In fixed-content products, the content files are built into the product (not supplied by you), but you may still have a choice of print options such as paper or binding. Depending on the product, you may also be able to insert blank pages, re-arrange pages, or remove pages. Common examples of fixed-content products include application forms or course materials. If a fixed-content product can be customized, you customize the product and see the effects of your selections in a single window. When you are satisfied with your selections, you add the product to the shopping cart. (If a fixed content product cannot be customized, you just specify a quantity and click Buy Now to add the product to the cart.)
If the product is part of a kit, some
fields will not apply and some information may already be filled in for
you. You will also see a Finish
button instead of Add to Cart.
Some fixed-content products may be available in both printed and/or downloadable
form. In this case, in addition to or instead of obtaining the printed
copies of the product (for example, some conference materials), you can order a digital download of the production
PDF. A digital download gives you the flexibility to print additional
copies later or to re-purpose the material in some way. If different deliverables
are available for a product, you select what you want to order after you
click Buy Now.
A fixed-content product may allow you to add your own files to the fixed
content. In this case, an Add Files
button will be available in the top left of the window. When you add your
own files, you can change the order in which they are listed or delete
them, but you cannot delete or move a fixed content file that comes with
the product.
Tip: At any time you can save your work by clicking Save at the bottom of the page. This allows you to return to the job later.
1. In the Job Name field, enter a descriptive name for your customized product so you can identify it easily. (A job is just your customized product. When an order includes several jobs, each is an item in the order.)
2. If the Deliverables field is displayed, it is set to what you selected after you clicked Buy Now. If necessary, change your selection. (This selection affects both the price and customization process.)
3. In the Quantity field, specify the amount you are ordering. The quantity affects the price.
Note: You are warned if the Quantity you enter is invalid. For example, a product may have a maximum order quantity that you exceeded, or you may have entered an invalid multiple for a product that is ordered in multiples.
The options that are available to you depend on the product you selected.
If you are ordering a download version of the product, you will receive
the PDF file that forms the basis of the product. If you are ordering
print copies together with the download version of the product, the downloaded
PDF will not reflect tabs, substrate size or color, orientation, or other
print options that you may be able to select for your printed copies.
The print options apply only
to the print version of the product.
1. In the left-hand pane, click an option, for example, Substrate or Binding and then make further selections as necessary. For example, after clicking Substrate you need to select a type of paper. Note the following:
● A print option you try to select may be incompatible with a previous selection you made. A message explains which selections are incompatible. For example, you may be prevented from selecting fluorescent pink paper if you selected printing in color. Change your selections as necessary.
● A print option you select may automatically result in another option being enforced. A message explains what is being selected automatically.
Note: Sometimes no message is displayed when print options are enforced, but these required print options may affect the price of the job. You will see the required print options in the job summary or pricing summary.
An enforced option may sometimes require further information from you, in which case a red icon at the top of the window alerts you:
If you move the pointer over the icon, you can see what is required. If you do not notice the alert or you ignore it, you are reminded again when you click Add to Cart, and are prevented from continuing until you provide the required information. For example, you may need to make further selections or provide dimensions.
● A print option you select may result in a recommendation for one or more other print options. For example, if you select landscape orientation, a particular substrate may be recommended. (You are not forced to accept the recommendation.)
● Some selections you make may result in recommendations for alternative print options . For example, if you select staples, a coil binding may be recommended as an alternative to staples. You may be offered more than one alternative. If you accept a recommended alternative, your original selection (staples in this example) is removed from the product.
2. For some products a Special Pages option may be available. Click this to indicate that you want certain pages treated differently from the rest of the job. For example, you may want to select a different stock for some pages or print them in color instead of black-and-white.
3. If tabs can be added, insert tabs as necessary. (Unlike other print options you select, tabs will be included in a digital download if you are ordering both a print and download version of a product.)
Tip: A fixed-content product may come with pre-defined special pages and/or tabs. In this case, you can change or remove them as well as add your own.
Note: If a preview is not available for the product, you will see a job summary instead.
Display Different Pages
Display different pages by using the navigation buttons:
Alternatively, type a page number in the field that displays the current page number and press Enter.
Switch Between Spread View and Thumbnail View
In spread view, you can see two facing pages at a time; in thumbnail view, you can see small renditions (thumbnail graphics) of several pages at a time. Spread view lets you see more details. Thumbnail view lets you see several pages at a time.
Note: Some products can be viewed just one page at a time; you will not see two facing pages in spread view. Especially for double-sided products in landscape mode, this single-page view makes your selections clearer. If, however, you select a print option like binding, stapling, drilling, or covers for this type of product, two facing pages are displayed.
Use to switch from spread view to thumbnail view;
to switch back to spread view.
For single-sided jobs, thumbnail view includes blank back pages and spread
view shows a blank page on the left to represent the back of the previous
If you are in thumbnail view, select a page, and then switch to spread
view, the page you selected in thumbnail view continues to be displayed
in spread view.
In spread view, you can do the following:
● Proof pages because you can see more detail.
● Click
to zoom in or
to zoom out. To restore the preview
to its default (unzoomed) size, click
● Right-click a page to display a shortcut menu. (On a mobile device, tap Options.) The commands that are available on the menu depend on the product you selected. For example, you may be able to insert tabs or blank pages, re-arrange or remove pages, or select different paper for a page.
In thumbnail view, you can do the following:
● Right-click a page to display a shortcut menu. (On a mobile device, tap Options.) The commands that are available on the menu depend on the product you selected. For example, you may be able to insert tabs or blank pages, re-arrange or remove pages, or select different paper for a page.
● If the product includes tabs, drag a tab before or after a different page.
● If the product allows it, drag a page to a different location to change the order of the pages.
1. To see more pricing details, move the pointer over the Unit Price/Total Price area at the bottom of the window. If you are ordering both a print and download version of the product, the pricing summary provides a breakdown. (A pricing summary is not available for all products.)
2. To see a summary of the job, click Review My Job at the top of the page. The Job Summary window opens and lists information about the job, for example, files, number of pages, quantity, and selected print options.
Note: The pricing summary and job summary may include additional print options required by the Print Shop based on the print options you selected.
1. When you are satisfied with your selections, click Add to Cart.
Note: If the product is part of a kit, a Finish button is displayed instead of Add to Cart. Click Finish to continue with the process of ordering the kit.
2. If prompted, double-check your preview and selected options for accuracy.
3. Proceed with the checkout process when you are ready.
● Re-ordering fixed-content products
● Re-arranging or removing pages