Ordering Kits

A kit is a product made up of other products packaged together. For example, a wedding kit might include an invitation photo card, envelopes, a wedding program, and key chains for the guests. Another kit might include a poster and a poster stand. Each product that makes up a kit is customized individually (if applicable), but the order is placed for the kit itself.

In some cases, the quantities for the individual products (items) that make up the kit are fixed; in other cases, you can enter a different quantity for a product in the kit or even enter 0 as the quantity. A zero lets you opt out of including a product in the kit.

After you click Buy Now for a kit, the products that make up the kit are displayed.

Note: Before you can add a kit to the cart, each product in the kit must have a Complete check mark or Opted Out next to it.

To order a kit

1.        In the Job Name field, enter a name for the kit order.

2.        In the Quantity field, enter the number of kits you want to order and then click to update the Total Price.

3.        Review the products in the kit to see what can be changed and/or needs customizing. When a product in the kit has a Complete check mark next to it, the product does not require customizing.

4.        If necessary, change the Item Quantity of a product in the kit or enter 0 to not include the product in the kit. Then click to update the pricing.

Note: The Item Quantity may be fixed, or you may not be allowed to enter 0. If you enter 0 in the Item Quantity field, Opted Out is displayed next to the product to indicate you have chosen not to include this product in the kit.

Important: The number of items you will receive is a product of the kit Quantity and the Item Quantity. For example, if you enter 125 in the kit Quantity field for a poster package that has 1 as the Item Quantity for the poster, you will receive 125 posters. If the Item Quantity is 2, you will receive 250 posters. Sometimes you may want more of one product in a kit (this assumes the Item Quantity field can be edited). For example, if you are ordering a kit made up of promotional hats and pens, you may want to order only 1 hat per kit, but 3 pens per kit. In this case, the Item Quantity for the hat would be 1 but for the pen would be 3. If you ordered 100 kits, you would get 100 hats and 300 pens.

5.        When a product in the kit has a Customize arrow next to it, configure the product:

a.        Click the Customize button.

b.        After you click Customize, configure the product. What you must do depends on the product.

c.        After you customize the product, click Finish. You now return to the list of products that make up the kit.

6.        Go through the products in the kit until they all have a Complete check mark (or Opted Out) next to them.

7.        Click Add to Cart and proceed with the checkout process when you are ready.